Navigating Innovation and CX Transformation

Jun 5, 2023, 21:03 PM by Maddy Hubbard

We’re thrilled to announce Alvaria CEO, Jeff Cotten will be a featured speaker in a spotlight session at The Six Five Summit, June 6th – 8th.  

Don’t miss his session, Modernizing Market Leadership: Insights from Alvaria's CEO on Navigating Innovation and CX Transformation. June 7th at 1:30 PM EDT / 10:30 AM PDT. Jeff will explore how industry leaders like Alvaria adapt to maintain market leadership.  

Alvaria, formed by the merger of Aspect and Noble, excels in serving large, complex, and regulated enterprises even during challenging times. Jeff will highlight the shift from business continuity to innovation, focusing on productivity, engagement optimization, and reimagining the CX workforce. He’ll emphasize leveraging digital channels and AI for improved customer and employee engagement. Despite rapid consolidation in the CX industry, Alvaria stands out with its strong partner ecosystem, powering platforms with top-notch workforce engagement and proactive outbound capabilities. 

Mark your calendar and plan to join Jeff for this compelling virtual session.