Interaction Analytics

Put Your Call Centre Analytics
to Work for You

Uncover rich insights that can transform your business through a customer-focused approach. Automate decision-making and campaign management and redefine the quality of interactions with precision and efficiency.

Improve Performance and Efficiency Using a Wide Range of Operational Data and Customer Information

The decisions you make for your contact centre have the potential to drive your business to new heights. Real-time data analytics and predictive speech analytics tools help you make strategic decisions to improve performance and efficiency.

Key Differentiators

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Predictive Analytics

Our predictive algorithms weigh interaction probability with account priority and agent availability on an ongoing basis, to help you continually improve your quality and service models.

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Omnichannel Analytics

Leverage natural language understanding to generate insight into customer loyalty, churn and satisfaction across all channels.

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Engagement Analytics

Powerful speech and text analytics engine designed for quality analysts, business analysts and other advanced users to surface valuable insights into quality, operational efficiency and customer satisfaction across all customer communication channels.

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Automated Quality Management

Leverage intelligent scoring to produce a comprehensive, omnichannel, automated quality management score.

Contact Alvaria Today

Learn more about how Alvaria can put your contact centre analytics to work for you. Let's talk!